Hello, the first thing we need to know about pyramid meditation is what it is.
The three-layered three-sided sides with wide bases and tightening tops will undoubtedly show up in your mind. Due to their orientation toward the Earth's magnetic field, these structures are excellent receivers and transmitters of cosmic energy and serve as energy stores. The term "Pyramid Meditation" refers to this type of meditation, and it produces the best results.
Pyramid is a solution to thousands of issues, not a cure for any one disease. Pyramid meditation works when drugs don't work, whether there are a lot of worries, tension, illnesses, or disagreements. whether there is a lot of stress, illness, disagreements, or worry.
Depression plagued a relative of mine for three years. He completed three months of pyramid meditation, which does not cost anything and does not require a lot of time, and he recovered from his illness.
It is also believed that pyramid meditation has healing properties. Using this method, bruises, boils, and wounds heal more quickly; It guarantees weight loss and improves disease resistance. Asthma, migraines, the common cold, high blood pressure, arthritis, epilepsy, insomnia, and toothaches have all been reported to be cured by it. At the point when we are with the breath energy, the brain turns out to be fairly vacant. After that, a significant amount of cosmic energy enters the physical body. The previously dormant third eye gradually begins to become active. Furthermore, cosmic consciousness eventually attains experience.
Pyramid Meditation might be the type of meditation you've been looking for if you want to strengthen your connection to the universe's energy.